What is a person to do when they don't really have any plans for a longweekend? Well, since it is my birthday weekend I requested that I get one day to be in my craft room doing whatever I choose to do uninterrupted. That is what I planned to do. But little did I know that my sons age 8 and 6 would like to sew too. So much for no interruptions. But I think it is wonderful that they are interested in sewing.
I had planned to make them each a flannel rag quilt. I had the squares cut out already so I thought that would be a good project for them to do. Straight sewing. So I have DS1 set up on my old sewing machine and DS2 on my newest machine. Well, they were going to town. DS2 is almost ready to assemble his and is so excited. But I think he was more excited about the fact that you push a button and the machine sews without pushing the peddle. He calls this the "ghost is sewing" feature. LOL The DS1 has taken a break and off to do errands with Dad.
Well, I must say I love Joann Fabrics' coupons. I went yesterday and purchased fabric to make 10 tote bags for my craft sale and used my 10% off total purchase coupon so the damage wasn't as bad as I thought. Today, I have cut out the fabric for all the bags and just need to cut the fabric for the braided handles, which I think is the preferred tote handle. I will have to wait to sew them since DS2 has decided to sew on. I will have to take some pics and post them later of his blanket. So as he accomplishes his goal of completing his blanket, I continue on cutting out fabric for various bags, I plan on making some reversible, medium and small sizes too.
I can't wait to see what all the bags look like once they are complete.