I took a picture of the pool this evening with the lights on and the boys refer to it as the green slime pool. Boys? I think it looks peaceful and inviting. I can't wait until the patio cover goes up, the furniture set out, the landscaping is completed and the landscape lighting gets installed.
On a crafty note, I received a phone call today from a lady who would like me to participate in an open house she is having at her home to sell my bags. She has 7 vendors including me and we all have different things to sell. I'm excited about this because there is no booth fee and hopefully I can sell the remaining bags I have. She seemed very pleasant and sells Mary Kay herself. I'll keep you posted.
A huge thank you again to the Knitting Fairy, http://www.knittingfairy.com/ , for helping me make heads and tails or should I say yarn over and knit stitches of my pinwheel sweater. I was tootling along on my sweater and then I kept forgetting if I was on a yarn over round or a knitting round. What a mess!! I tried to fix it myself and didn't do too bad but I still have to rip back about 15 rounds or so. I didn't mind because it is a simple pattern, ya right and that is why I'm having so much trouble. It really is a simple pattern and I decided I need to knit on it at home in a quiet place or figure out a method to keep track of which round I'm on.
Good luck at your show. I did one with Tatiana last year and it was the best 3 hours... I am sure your bags will be a hit.
Your pool looks very inviting! Enjoy it!
Oh wow, good things happening for you.. an pool and another show. :^) I hope those that attend see the wondefulness the rest of us do in your bags...
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